The Moment

by Rhonda, June 02, 2024

I've been reading The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis and I came across something that really hit home with me this week.  I'm adjusting the wording a bit from his letters (written from the POV of our enemy), but here's the gist of the idea pulled from several different paragraphs:

The Present is the point at which time touches the present is the voice of the conscience, bearing the present cross, receiving the present grace, giving thanks for the present pleasure.  The business of our enemy is to get us away from the Present.  Even the Past is of limited value, because we can be grateful for the past.  The best place for our enemy to keep our minds is the Future, because here he can keep us in fear.  Gratitude looks to the past and love to the present; fear avarice, lust, and ambition look ahead.

Isn't it true that anytime we're in fear, we're thinking of the future?  Perhaps one of our greatest weapons against fear is to remain in the present moment.  In today's world that seems more difficult than ever to do.  But, God already tells us what's going to happen in the future.  He says our bodies will be transformed from perishable to imperishable, we will go from dishonor to glory, from weakness to power, and from natural to spiritual.  (1 Corinthians 15)

Knowing this, we can tell ourselves confidently we have nothing to fear or worry about.   Everything else really is small stuff, even though it doesn't seem like it.  We can live in the moment, enjoying God's current mercies that are bestowed upon us lavishly. 

This concept is hard to live out, but it is possible.  Divorce is such a trigger for fear, because it creates uncertainty about the future.  I couldn't believe the depth of fear that came upon me immediately after my divorce.  If you struggle in this space like me, here are a few things from my journal regarding fear and the need to live in the present moment:

  • If the devil cannot get to you with fear, he will come after you with temptation.  Some of the biggest areas of temptation are anger and the need to take control.  Both of these are reactions to living in the past or in the future.
  • Stay away from this cycle:  
    • Fear-->Worry-->Anxiety-->Mistreatment of Others-->Self Hatred-->Pain-->Control
    • Your ability stay in the moment and let toxic thoughts pass by protects you from the damaging effects of this cycle.  It is a trap, an undercurrent designed to pull you under and steal your joy.  
  • Remember you are training your mind to be peaceful by staying in the present.  It doesn't know how.  Accept yourself for not being perfect.  When you find  yourself worrying over and over in your mind, let God take that worry off your shoulders.  You can trust him to do His part, or He wouldn't be a Savior, would He?  You walk with the Almighty God of the Universe.  You have nothing to fear.  
  • Feed your faith and starve your fears.  Obedience is continually chosen.  To have the strength to continually choose peace, you must abide in God and His Word.  
  • Fear doesn't give up without a fight.  Notice the little temptations.  Those are traps designed to set you up for a bigger fall.  Stay in the present, and stay obedient in the little things.  
  • Continue to seek God to help you deal with fear, and don't give up.  Stay close to Him.  He was very present with you today!  He was very proud of you today.  He saw your victories, even though you weren't perfect.  

Our identities have been given to us by the Creator of the universe, and He did not give us an identity of fear.  You have great significance and amazing things to offer this world.  The joy of knowing Christ dims the fear of this world, and you can begin to live an life that is authentically you.  

Isn't God's love amazing!

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